The youth dodgeball class gives participants an opportunity to play the popular game in a safe and supervised environment. The program uses super soft balls with the safety of game play being an important factor. Each week, different teams are formed and a different style of dodgeball are played.
Crystal Lake


Dodgeball provides participants with an opportunity to play the popular game in a safe and supervised environment. The program uses super soft balls and safety is stressed during game play. Each week players learn new variations of the game, keeping class fresh and the kids having fun. Time limits are placed on all games so participants do not sit out too long and remain active throughout the class.
Long Grove

The youth dodgeball class gives participants an opportunity to play the popular game in a safe and supervised environment. The program uses super soft balls with the safety of game play being an important factor. Each week, different teams are formed and a different style of dodgeball are played.
Morton Grove

Dodgeball provides participants with an opportunity to play the popular game in a safe and supervised environment. The program uses super soft balls and safety is stressed during game play. Each week players learn new variations of the game, keeping class fresh and the kids having fun. Time limits are placed on all games so participants do not sit out too long and remain active throughout the class.

Dodgeball provides participants with an opportunity to play the popular game in a safe and supervised environment. The program uses super soft balls and safety is stressed during game play. Each week players learn new variations of the game, keeping class fresh and the kids having fun. Time limits are placed on all games so participants do not sit out too long and remain active throughout the class.

Dodgeball provides participants with an opportunity to play the popular game in a safe and supervised environment. The program uses super soft balls and safety is stressed during game play. Each week players learn new variations of the game, keeping class fresh and the kids having fun. Time limits are placed on all games so participants do not sit out too long and remain active throughout the class.