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In this Innovative Sports camp engineered specifically for the SPF Sports Center, players will participate in a variety of sports, from traditional sports held on the turf playing surface, to court sports on the regulation Pickleball courts. Tapping into the high quality and myriad playing surfaces the SPF Sports facility offers, players will expereience a truly unique sports experience that players of all skill levels can enjoy. Players are gauranteed at least one hour of pcikleball time per half day session, while also playing camp games such as dodgeball, capture the flag, and proprietary Hot Shots Sports games. Additionally, players will have an alternate station in the Multi-Ball room tapping into the high tech, interactive sports environment. Register today for a sports camp experience unlike any other in the Chicagoland area, and ensure your child always has a fun, safe, engaging camp to participate in when school's not in session! Half day, full day, and single day options always available.